Here’s a new artwork, “Electric Ladyland 2017”. Oil (not acrylic) on 25 x 25 cm board. Just above is the first one, when it was being painted, cups of tea in view. I may do prints of this image, as I’m working in oils now (better, stronger, er, slower) it will be harder to replicate as a multiple, butI am making minis – which are 15 x 15 cm. Watch out for more. “Watch”. “Out”.

I wanted to paint the women, as if they had a bit more say on the matter. There’s a lot of stuff in the news, incaseyouhadn’tnoticed, about women’s bodies being looked at… and all manner of inappropriateroiiatness.

I felt that the women should “look” back (which is not to say it’s absent in the original, quite clearly they do look out of the photograph), but I didn’t want them to hide their bodies. I wanted them to own them – and make it more beautiful. Whatever you think of the original, the composition is brilliant, like a Raphael painting. It also reminds me of Dejeuner Sur L’Herbe which I think is a bit crap, but you know what I mean.

On a raw art Christmas note: I’m not certain if there’ll be new mugs this year – there will be a hiatus. a bringing-together of ideas and forms, and maybe using the mugs from last year and asking them what they think.

But there could be more.


Smiths lanyards are still in stock, and of course there is the new updated Kentish Town map. Bespoke map commissions always considered! Even places i’ve never been before. Or imaginary places. Especially imaginary places.